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Map Search | Address Search | Listing # | Basic Search | Advanced Search |

Map Search -  A great way to find homes in a specific area, if you want homes near the Mt. Prospect Metra up to $350K, just enter the price and drag the map to that area. Zoom in or out. Click on the pinpoint to get full details. Both single family and attached housing shows on the map.


Advanced search- Search by schools or school districts, short sales and more.  Be aware schools are not required to be named in the MLS, school districts however are.  Important- to choose more than one search item in a drop down box- hold down the control key and click to select.


 Address Search - Found a street address and want more info? Just select a property type and  type the address in the address box. (i.e.  2619 N  brighton is all you need to find 2619 N. Brighton in Arlington Hts.)  You do not need to choose a city. It is important to have the compass point n, s, e, or w.


Listing # -  Found a listing number and want to check it out? Just type in the MLS number (i.e. 08272451 will give you the details on 6536 Stockbridge in Long Grove).